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📲 Downloading Books

Read on to find out how you can download books on the Perlego app.

Updated over a week ago

Our mobile app, available for both IOS and Android, allows you to read with no internet connection - perfect for long commutes and while travelling. Make sure to download your books first and you’re all set. 

Which books can I download?

  • At the moment all of our mobile-responsive PUB books are available to download via the app

  • Most of our PDFs are also available to download and we're working on making the final remaining ones downloadable now.

How many books can be downloaded at one time?

You can download up to 30 books at a time. If you find you've reached your limit, you can remove the books you're no longer reading by clicking the three dots (...) on the right-hand side of the book, and selecting 'remove from downloads'.

Books will remain in your downloads for as long as they are being read. If a book is inactive for 30 days, the download will automatically expire.

Please note, if you download a book on one device, it won't automatically download onto another, but we hope to include this functionality in the future.

Which devices and operating systems are supported?

Whilst our app is compatible with most mobile and tablet devices, there are some minimum specifications to ensure that our users receive the Perlego reading experience they expect! At the moment we don't have an app for desktop but this is something we're looking into.

Android specifications:

  • Version 8 (Oreo) and above

  • Minimum 1.5GB RAM

iOS specifications:

  • Version 13 and above

  • Minimum 1.5GB RAM

If you need anything else or have any further questions, feel free to get in touch with our support team via our live chat feature or at [email protected] 😊

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