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🔎 Meet your AI Researcher
🔎 Meet your AI Researcher

Perlego's newest feature, AI Researcher, helps you find key excerpts and relevant books in our Library’s collection using semantic search.

Updated over a week ago

Easily find what you need with AI Researcher, your new AI-powered research partner

Searching for that perfect quote or relevant excerpt from primary sources can be overwhelming. Now, with AI Researcher, we’ve got you covered.

That’s right, AI Researcher aims to intelligently understand the context and meaning behind your search query to ensure you get only the most relevant results 🕵️

Note: while you can search and receive book suggestions in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish languages, suggested key excerpts are currently limited to ePub titles published in English.

Unleash the power of AI Researcher

  1. Look for the dropdown: you'll see a new dropdown option next to the search bar. Click to select and activate the AI Researcher option.

  2. Use the search bar: start by entering your research question or phrase in the Library search bar, for example: “what are the origins of democracy?

  3. Dive deeper: with AI Researcher enabled, your results will be enhanced with key books and excerpts:

    1. Key books: AI searches the Library's entire collection to find whole books that are most relevant to your search. You’ll get smarter suggestions, even if they don't perfectly match the keywords in your search query.

    2. Key excerpts: AI searches over 500k books from our Library to find the most relevant snippets that directly address your search query, saving you time skimming through entire books.

We hope this guide empowers you to use AI Researcher to explore Perlego’s Library collection like never before!

Still have questions?

👉 You may find our guide to searching Perlego’s Library helpful!🕵️

If you run into any trouble using AI Researcher, our Support Team is always happy to help. You can contact us through live chat or email [email protected].

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